Duct Tape Buckle

This is a very simple duct tape Instructable for making a buckle fastening out of duct tape.
I used mine to make buckles to hold a cardboard art portfolio closed.
The last picture is a diagrammatic overview of all of the pieces of duct tape you will need to make one buckle.
(Materials: duct tape)
Fold Strips

1 long and 2 short pieces of tape.
Fold each of those three into thirds so there are no sticky bits showing.
Fold each of those three into thirds so there are no sticky bits showing.
Tape Buckle Part

I put mine on the top flap of the portfolio.
Tape Strap

This part goes on the lower part of the portfolio.
Fasten Buckle

Thread strap up under both straps of the buckle, then fold it over and thread it back over the first strap and under the second.
There You Have It!