Duct Tape PC Case Mod

As I started with visual mod for my laptop: https://www.instructables.com/id/Duct-tape-laptop-skin/ now it was time for the good old PC. I'm not such a great fan of Pac Man but this was just an idea that ( you can see by yourself ) came up very nice at the end. I hope you enjoy my instructable!

All i needed for this project was my PC (I had to disconnect it for a while :(, ), and few rolls of colored duct tape( yellow, blue, red, white, green), scissors and plenty of imagination.
Pac Man Maze

I made the pac man maze out of blue tape using a screen shot of the game from the internet as a patern. It's not exactly the same but the main component are there.
Cutting Out the Dots

I cut the dots out of the yellow tape (thre small ones and of course 4 big ones). I left some space with no dots behind pac man (he ate them)! Cutting out round dots is a bit tricky!
The Characters

Pac man of course was the biggest dot in the picture out of yellow tape with a big triangle gap for a mouth. The monsters were also easy to make. Some of them are not the original color but that was what i could do with the materials i had. the eyes of the monsters are made of white and black tape cutted in small dots.
The Top of the Case

I didn't want to make the same scenary on top of the PC and as my router was placed there i came up with the idea Pac man to eat it (not literally).
And There You Go