Double Dutch Braid

by bekathwia in Living > Beauty

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Double Dutch Braid

Dutch Pigtail Braids // Becky Stern

Dutch pigtail braids have a lot of wow-factor even though they are quick and easy to create. The secret is simple: French braids cross over, and Dutch braids cross under. This lesson will walk you through creating the complete style, which is suitable for short and long hair alike. At first this style may take a while to perfect, but after some practice you should be able to whip up this look in about five to ten minutes.

This Instructable is part of my beginner braids series. If you like this lesson, try the rest!


To get started learning to braid, you really just need some hair, a mirror, and dexterity in both hands. Everything else here just enhances your results!

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Center Part


Part your hair down the middle, then continue that part all the way down the back of your head to create two even sections of hair.

Put one section up in an elastic or clip to keep it out of your way for now.

Crossing Under


Switch back to the working section and gently brush out any tangles. Pick up a small section of hair at the front and divide into three.

Begin a crossing-under braid and make a stitch or two (does not have to be exact).

Begin Adding to Each Section

Just as you learned in my earlier tutorial on French braids, you're going to start adding small bits of hair to each section as you braid.

The only difference is that the sections cross under one another instead of over. A Dutch braid is just a French braid turned inside out.

Use a comb or your fingers to pick up some hair nearby and add it to the section as it crosses under, then repeat on the other side of the braid.

Gradually Add More Along the Way


Continue this process as your braid grows longer. Try to keep the braid moving in a straight-ish line that is centered as it traverses the hemisphere of your skull.

Continue this process as your braid grows longer. Try to keep the braid moving in a straight-ish line that is centered as it traverses the hemisphere of your skull. Don't fall too far behind or get too ahead on adding the remaining hair. The additions should be more or less level with the active stitch of the braid.

Keep Dutch braiding until you reach the base of your neck.

Finish & Repeat on the Other Side


Braid the remaining sections to the ends of your hair, and secure the tail with a small elastic.

Take down the other half of your hair, brush it out, and repeat the entire process to create a second braid, and try to keep it symmetrical to the first one by watching it's positioning and addition angles.

Wear It!


This is a practical sporty look that's great for athletics and leisure, but can just as easily be dressed up for a romantic look, which is emphasized in my other tutorial about the Crown Braid.

Bonus: Make Waves While You Sleep


Double Dutch pigtails can be used as a heat-free styling aid! When your hair is still damp from the shower, or after spritzing your hair with a little water, put your hair in loose Dutch braids before bed.

The next morning, take them out and discover luscious waves, no curling iron required! To keep these waves around for longer, add a bit of gentle hold hairspray.

This Instructable is part of my beginner braids series. If you like this lesson, try the rest!