ESP32: How to Install in the Arduino IDE
by Fernando Koyanagi in Circuits > Microcontrollers
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ESP32: How to Install in the Arduino IDE

Given suggestions from followers of my channel, today I bring to you a tutorial on how to install ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. Let's deal with the prerequisites and the module's own installation in a step-by-step flowchart, as well as a screenshot I made with Windows.
Step by step
Look the flow chart of how the installation of ESP32 should be done, this after you already have the Arduino IDE installed on the computer.
Download and install Python 2.7 (
Download and install Git software, an extremely useful version control program for those who are programmers and all those who like to be updated with newer source codes. ( Install the Git software for the version of your operating system.
Run GitGui.
Open Git Bash, type git gui, and press Enter. Git Gui is a graphical interface that makes it easy to download files, eliminating the need to enter commands in the Git Bash (shell) interface.
Clone the repository to your computer.
(Source location:
(Target Directory: C: / Users / [YOUR_USERNAME] / Documents / Arduino / hardware / espressif / esp32)
- If it is the first time you are using the Arduino IDE, the above folder "Arduino" will have to be created manually. The other folders: hardware, espressif and esp32 will also not exist, but you can proceed normally as they will be created automatically. When you click on Clone, the ESP32 files will be downloaded by Github. GitHub is a platform that stores the repositories created by Git. It is it that allows, for example, the distribution and update history of the espressif codes.
Wait for installation. It will take some time to finish.
Run get.exe.
Look for the "get.exe" program (located at: C: \ Users \ [YOUR_USERNAME] \ Documents \ Arduino \ hardware \ espressif \ esp32 \ tools \ get.exe) and run it. Wait for the programs to be downloaded and configured.
Wait for installation.
It will take some time to finish and the command prompt will close automatically.
At this point you will already be with the ESP32 libraries inside the Arduino IDE. To access them, simply start the Arduino and select the ESP32 Dev Module board.
​Links Used:
Clone repository:
Source location:
Target Directory:
C: / Users / [YOUR_USERNAME] / Documents / Arduino / hardware / espressif / esp32
Run get.exe:
C: \ Users \ [YOUR_USERNAME] \ Documents \ Arduino \ hardware \ espressif \ esp32 \ tools \ get.exe