
This is called the earth-sculptor and is a machine that makes forms and sculptures from mud.



3d printer
2x stepper motors
2x arduino uno
jumper wires
2x three state switch
1x mirrorball motor ( AC )
white spray paint
2x 12v dc adapter
epoxy glue
3d Print

3d print:
- 2x toothpaste squeezers
- 2 circles that fit onto toothpaste squeezers and motors
- 20cmx3mm circle
- 1x circle1
- 2x switch box
Wood Frame
2x 30cm for the sides
1x 26.5 cm for center
2x small cubes for support
use wood glue to stick them together
glue 30cm thin mdf on the back of the frame
spray paint white
Use epoxy glue to stick the small circles onto the toothpaste squeezers
glue small circle onto big flat circle
glue switch boxes to sides
Drill & Screw
drill 3mm hole in the toothpaste squeezers and screw on the frame
screw both the motors on the frame

connect the stepper motors and switches
combine these two on one arduino
this file is the coding for the stepper motor and switch
Final Touches
- place 3d printed disc on spinning motor
- place bags with mud in toothpaste squeezer
- plug 12v dc adapter in arduino