Easter Door Hangers

by DonM51 in Craft > Reuse

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Easter Door Hangers


Easter Themed Door Hangers from trash I found on a walk.


Luan plywood

Craft Paint


Needle Nose Pliers

Glowforge Laser Cutter or Scroll Saw

Trash to Treasure

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I found one and a half sheets of Luan plywood while walking around my neighborhood on trash day. It was wet from sitting out all night so I brought it into the garage to dry. The next weekend I cut four pieces down to a size that would fit on my laser cutter with my table saw.

I found some easter images I liked and reproduced them with an illustration program on my computer. I wanted a stepped 3d look so I duplicated some of the items so I could stack them for different levels. I also colored each segment differently so the laser would cut certain lines and score the others. This makes lining them up so much easier later. I made sure to work in an area the same size as the pieces I had cut so I could scale them as large as possible and still fit them on two pieces for each hanger.

Cutting and Painting


After cutting the pieces out, I primed them to seal in the burn marks left by the laser. In the past I have uses a scroll saw for projects like these but the laser is so much faster and accurate.

Now for the fun part. I painted every piece separately using craft acrylic paint. The score marks make excellent guides between colors. This part can be as detailed or simple as you want. Assembling them this way produces the best results. I glued the layers together using E6000 glue and let them dry over night.

Attaching All the Pieces.


I like the soft wire used for tying rebar together for a lot of crafts. I drilled small holes on every piece for the wire to go through. Using needle nose pliers I form a spiral of wire on one end. The wire spiral is the bent flat to the surface and the other end is run through the hole. The gap between each piece can be as big as you want. The wire then goes through the second hole were another spiral is made with the pliers. Repeat this for every connection point. I always make sure to wrap the wire the same amount at every spiral for a somewhat uniformed look. After every thing is together I give it a healthy coating of clear paint. This seals the wood and wire to weather proof it a little.