Easy Batarangs

In this project i will be telling you how to make easy Batarangs.
Batarangs are Fictional weapons used by the character Batman in DC
These are easy to make and are very fun.
1 A4 paper
Scissors or blade
Cardboard or thick paper
Any gum [ preferably fevicol or fevistick ]
Black paint
Paint brush
Drawing the Batarang

Get a piece of paper of any size and draw a Batarang on it as shown in the picture.
After drawing it, cut out the batarang using the scissors.
Cutting Out Cardboard

Get some cardboard pieces and stick the paper batarang on them and again cut it out using a scissors or blade.
Painting Black

Get a paint brush and black paint.
Then paint the batarang fully.
Thats It You Batarangs Are Ready