Easy Homemade Cakepops!

This instructable will tell you how to make an easy and delicious batch of cake pops! In this recipe I made 25 cake pops, but you can use any amount of ingredients that fit your serving size.
In order to make 25 cake pops here is the ingredients you will need:
1 box chocolate cake mix
1 1/4 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
white chocolate
milk chocolate cake icing
cake pop straws
in regards of kitchen supplies you will need:
large mixing bowl
electric mixer
stirring utensils
cake pan
parchment paper
Make the Cake

Follow all the directions on the back/side of your cake box. Mix all the ingredients, bake at 350 degrees, and mash the cake once done.
Add the Icing
Once your cake is complete you should add your chocolate icing. You should add about half the amount of icing as there is cake. Mix until its all mixed together.
Make the Balls of Cake
Once mixed take about two tablespoons of your cake/icing mixture and roll them into balls. Place them on a piece of parchment paper.
Preparing the Sticks
On this step you are going to get about 1/2 a cup of white chocolate and put it in the microwave until melted. You will then take each stick and dip it about a fingernail length of the way into the white chocolate. Then, you will put the stick into the cakepop.
Adding the Sticks
Here you will then take each stick and dip it about a fingernail length of the way into the white chocolate. Then, you will put the stick into the cakepop.

On this step you will put your cake pops in the fridge and let them sit for 20 minutes.
Dipping the Cake Pops

After 20 minutes has passed take your cake pops out of the fridge. Melt about another cup of white chocolate until completely melted. Take your cake pops and dip the cake part of the cake pop all the way into the chocolate.
Letting Them Dry
On this step I take the dipped cake pops and put them in a cake tray with holes cut out. I let them sit for 5 minutes each.

The last step of the process is, decorating. If you want to decorate your cake pops like I did you can use any color sprinkles and just sprinkle on the amount you want! I also tied my cake pops inside Valentines bags to celebrate the holiday!
Now you are done with your cake pops and you can enjoy them!