EASY Arduino OLED Sensor Data Display

by CrtSuznik in Circuits > Arduino

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EASY Arduino OLED Sensor Data Display


If you've ever worked with Arduino, you've probably wanted it to display sensor readings.

While using the old clasic Nokia 5110 LCD, you may have noticed that connecting all those wires is messy and takes up too many pins.

Of course, there's a better way. The OLED way.

In the next step I will provide a list of what you'll need to get things working.

On a side note, if you haven't worked with a 5110 screen before, I've written an instructable on that. It's a cheaper alternative, but takes up more Arduino pins and is less power efficient.

You can check it out here:


What You'll Need:

-OLED display

I advise buying from here:


I've ordered 4 from the seller and they've all worked without a problem. If you send him a message saying "instrucrables" when buying the display, he'll make sure to quickly send you a quality display.

-4 Dupont wires (male to female)

-Arduino (I'm using an UNO, but any Arduino should work)

-Adafruit library (Don't worry, I'll get to that in the next step)



Don't worry if you haven't used libraries before. They are quite easy to use.

For basic use of the OLED display you will need 4 libraries. I've included them in a rar file.

After you've downloaded the file, unrar it and copy/drag the files inside to your Arduino libraries folder.

To find the folder just go to:

Your hard drive->Program files->Arduino->libraries


Connecting the Display:

This is one of the reasons why you will grow to love the OLED display. You only require 4 wires to communicate with it.

Connect it like this:

Display Arduino

GND ------ GND

Vcc ------ 3.3V

SCK ------ SCL

SDA ------- SDA

Once you've properly plugged in all those cables, upload the code and enjoy your OLED display.

Arduino Code:

Since instructables sometimes messes up the code, I've attached it as a file.

It's a basic code, displaying some text and a sensor reading.

If you want the display to do something more advanced, I advise looking at the example codes included in the library folder.

Just go to: File->Examples->Adafruit SSD1306 and select the display you have (most likely 128x64 i2c)

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