Easy Origami Heart

This is a origami heart that if easy to make out of materials you have at home. This could be a cute gift idea for friends, a valentine for that special person in your life, or just a random thing to have. Good luck!

I use paper specifically for origami, but you can use a normal piece of paper, and cut it into a square shape.
Making the Initial Folds

First you want to take your paper and do a hotdog and hamburger fold; meaning you fold the paper in half both ways. Then you will want to fold the paper in half diagonally both ways. These steps will help you later on while making the heart. When you are done, your paper should look like the first and last picture shown.
Second Fold

You will want to take one of your ends of the pice of paper, and fold it to the middle. Then make a crease, and flip it over.
Flipped Over

It will look like this once flipped over.
Folding Some More :)

Now take the corner and fold to the middle crease. It will now look like the second picture shown above. After that, flip the paper over again.
Flip Over #2

This is what it looks like on the back.
Folding to the Middle

Now you will yet again fold the edges to the middle which is identified by a crease. You will fold to the middle on both sides. When finished with this step it should look like the last picture shown above.
Folding Corners

After you have folded the edges to the middle, you fold the corners of those edges downwards. It should be easy to fold down because of the initial folds made.
Tucking In

You will take the bottom corner and fold downwards, then crease. You will crease it to make it easy to tuck in. Once it is creased, you can take the point you folded downwards, and tuck it into the little pocket you created earlier.
Should Look Like

Currently, it should look like this from the back.

Now that we have the basic shape of our heart, we need to define those features. On the top of the heart, there are two flaps. You’ll want to take those flaps, and press on the inner corner and crease. This will make it look like the first picture shown.
Folding Into Triangles

Now you will want to take the outer corner of those flaps and fold them inward. Do that to both sides. Now you should have two triangles on top of your heart.
Final Step

unless you have a heart with triangles instead of semicircles on top, you need to fold the point of your triangles down. This will make your heart actually look like a heart.
What It Looks Like

Congratulations! You completed this craft. It looks amazing and I hope you enjoyed!