Easy Squiggle Bot

Don't let the number of steps in this Instructable fool you. This Squiggle Bot is as easy as advertised. If you have all of the parts on hand and any experience soldering wires together, you can probably build this bot in five minutes flat. So, what are you waiting for? Amaze your friends and scare your cat with your very own drawing robot!
Go Get Stuff

You will need:
- Computer Fan
- 9V Battery Snap Connectors
- Alkaline 9 Volt Battery
- Craft markers
- Rubber bands
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With a pair of pliers, snap off three adjacent fan blades from the computer fan.

Solder the black wire from the battery connector to the black wire from the fan.

Rubber Bands


Battery Time

Caps Off



Put your bot down on a piece of paper and watch it draw.

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