Easy Steps Gum Wrapper Heart

Easy origami heart out of a gum wrapper! Here are a few simple steps to make one.
In the end, you will have yourself a cute simple decor. You can use these for bookmarks, you can put them in electronics cases, or you can make them as a little gift.
- Aluminum foil gum wrapper
Get Yourself Some Gum

Step one, get yourself a stick of gum.
This is probably the easiest step..

Prepare your gum wrapper like the image above.

Fold back into the original folding of the gum wrapper except leave the top and bottom folds unfolded.
Folding Top and Bottom

Fold each corner into a point like shown in the image.
Folding Up

Take one of your sides and fold it up into a L shape
Do the same to the other side and align them evenly
Rounding the Edges

Now you can fold the small points down to round out the edges.
End Result

After rounding you have your end result.