Egg Chilli

Egg are very great source of protein, but few people realise that they are also an excellent source of valuable nutrients.
Eggs are one of the most versatile foods available. They're perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner and also increase your protein intake without adding extra weight.
Start your day with a smile. Add one of the big, juicy, beautiful eggs at the ready !!
Today in this instructable we would be making Egg Chilli. You will love it !!

1. 1tsp Soy Sauce
2. 1tsp Chilli Sauce
3. 2tsp Sprint Onion
4. 5 Eggs
5. Vinegar
6. 2tbl Corn Starch for making slurry(check below step on how to make slurry)
Making of Egg Mixture

First we will beat 5 Eggs into a bowl and Add 1 tsp of Soy Sauce, 1 tsp Chilli Sauce and finely chopped Spring Onion and mix it well.
The egg mixture should be viscous, it shouldn't be thin. I've added some oil into it to prevent the eggs from sticking. Once it is done we would cook it in a very low flame.
Cooking the Mixture

Now take a Iron-Pan, Add some Oil into it and put the Egg Mixture that we had made in Step 1. We want to cook the eggs evenly from all sides.
The egg mixture is cooking from the bottom, I'm cooking it on a low flame. It's very important, if you're not using a steamer, then cook it on a slowest flame possible.
You can transfer it in a tray and cook it in a microwave as well. You can also cook it in a oven as well. If you're using a pan, cook it on the slowest flame possible.
If you're using an oven, cook it on 140 degrees. If you're cooking it on a pan, cook it on a low heat and cover it with a warm pan. It'll ensure that the egg is being cooked from the top and the bottom and mixture is getting bubbly.
Ensure that you cook it slowly, maintaining its texture. That's the trick.
Keep heating the top pan to make sure that the mixture is getting cooked well from the top.
If you feel that it'll get burnt from the bottom, let it! It won't hamper anything!
I promise, it'll taste even better if it's crispy! It'll settle down immediately once you leave it aside.
Making of Egg Cakes

After cooking the egg mixture leave it aside, once it cools down keep it a refrigerator for 1hr.
The mixture will make the egg hold on to its texture.You can add crab meat or prawn meat into this egg cake. You can store this egg cake if you want.
After cut the mixture into small cubes as per the photo.
Making of Corn Flour Slurry and Sausage

In a separate bowl add 1Tbl of Soy Sauce, Chilli Sauce and 1/2 tsp of Sugar in it and give it a mix.
Dissolve some cornstarch into water to make Corn flour Slurry it is that simple !
Keep aside all these mixtures we would be needing them to cook the Egg Chilli
Cooking the Egg Chilli

To cook the Egg chilli, we need certain more ingredients such as:
1. 2 Medium sized Green Capsicum
2. 1 Medium sized Onion
3. 2 whole spring onion
4. 1 inch ginger
5. 2tbl Soy Sauce
6. 1tbl Red Chilli Sauce
7. ½ Teaspoon Sugar
In a pan of oil add Ginger fry it slightly then add Onion and stir it well. Then add capsicum fry it.
Then add the Egg cakes into it and fry it.I have also added some cornstarch slurry into it.
It'll help me to make the gravy more viscous.In the end, top it with some spring onions. It's very important!
It's very important to finish it with oil because.It gives the dish a unique glaze and shine!
Thank you.