Create Your Own Cross Stitch Necklace
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Create Your Own Cross Stitch Necklace
For many years I wanted to try to embroider on wood but I didn’t like the knots on the backside. Then it became real popular and now you can buy serveral pendants with drilled holes for exempel: stitchery wooden pendant from Love Lovely. För about 1 ½ year ago I found a solution and made many pendants with hidden threads and knots. With other words: a embroiderd pendant with a smooth back. Now I make an instructable to show how I make them. I hope you enjoy it. (I have to warn you, English is not my native tongue and I'm all alone at home with no one to help me). Please feel free to write comments to improve this instructable.
What You Will Need
- 3 pieces of wood (2 inch x 2 inch and 1/8 inch thick) I used birch
- paper with squares on it
- scotch tape
- pen
- wood glue
- a drill
- a clamp
- jigsaw
- sandpaper
- pliers
- silver wire (or other wire)
- awl
- embroider yarn, (DMC Cotton Embroidery Floss)
- needle,
- scissors
- cord or chain
The Pattern
Start to draw the pattern. I decided to do a rose but you can choose whatever you want. Why not a smiley or a Mario Mushroom (look here
Before I started to draw the pattern I reduced the size of the squares in a copier to about 1/8 inch x 1/8 inch (3mm x 3mm)
Mark Holes
Tape the pattern on one of the wooden pieces with scotch tape and mark holes with an awl. This make it easier to drill.
Drill the Holes
Remove the pattern, but don't throw it away you will need it later. Drill the holes (I used a 3/64 inch , 1mm drill) I have acces to a pilar drill but you can easily do it with a screwdrivers. Sand the surface on both sides smooth with a fine sandpaper (240 grid)
The Embroidery
Start the embroidery. I used DMC Cotton Embroidery Floss. Do not bother about the back. Tie off the loose ends and cut off the excess string. Here you can see how to do cross stich.
Hide the Back
Cut out the paper pattern with scissors, lay it on the second piece of wood and draw with a pen around it. Cut with jigsaw. Glue the first, second and third layer (wooden pieces) on each other with wood glue and clamp together. Cut your pendent with a jigsaw in the shape you like and sand the edges smooth. I was so concentrated on my work that I forgot to take a picture when i cut with a jigsaw. In this instructable you can get some more advise
The Finish
Make a mark with awl. Drill a hole. Make a ring with pliers and silver wire. Fasten to pendant. Fasten on the chain and enjoy!