Enemies 101

welcome to enemies 101!(#@#%^#><>?..../)

baby zombie
this zombie is so cute, but don't let that fool you this baby can really pack a punch.
husk zombie
this dried up zombie is found in deserts,if it hurts you,you will get hungry.
for more on this monster go to instructables.com/Golems-and-zombies/

this mob was born from a coding bug,when you get near it,it will explode
charged creeper
the charged creeper is born when lighting srikes a creeper,it explodes with a heck of all lot dmg'
BOOM creeper
there is an urban legend of a creeper that looks like an explosion,here is a discription...@&$$$%^^$##>>?"?><<>"?.
for information on this topic go to instructables.com/Fighting-Monsters-in-Minecraft/