Epi Torso

by birgerjohansson in Circuits > Robots

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Epi Torso


Epi is a humanoid robot developed by Lund University Cognitive Science Robotics Group. It was designed to be used in experiments in developmental robotics and has proportions to give a childlike impression while still being decidedly robotic. The robot head has two degrees of freedom in the neck and each eye can independently move laterally. There is a camera in each eye to make stereovision possible.

3d models to be printed can be found on GitHub

More instructions on the Epi Wiki

To robot is controlled by the Ikaros framework (www.ikaros-project.org).

Johansson B, Tjøstheim TA, Balkenius C. Epi: An open humanoid platform for developmental robotics. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2020;17(2). doi:10.1177/1729881420911498


Add 18xM4 and 10xM5 threaded insert into the bottom part.


Fill weight plate part with something heavy. Attach weight plate with bottom part (6xM4x10mm).


Mount the U2D2s onto the UD2D power boards. Mount the 12V Dynamixel board on the dynamixel mount part (4xM3x8mm). Add cables between the 12V U2D2 and 12V Dynamixel power board. Attach the Dynamixel cable for the neck tilt servo.


Mount the 7.6V Dynamixel board (4xM3x8mm). Add cable between 7.6V U2D2 and 7.6V Dynamixel power board. Attach the mounted boards to bottom part(2xM3x8mm)


Add the 7.6V power converter (4xM3x8mm). Tune the converter to 7.6V. Add the 5V power converter and set it to 5V (4xM3x8mm). Attach the power converter to bottom part (2xM3x8mm).


Solder cables to the power connector. Mount it and connect the cables to the 7.6V power converter. Connect cables between power converters. Connect the 7.6V power converter to 7.6V Dynamixel board. Connect 12V power connector to 12V Dynamixel board.


Mount the Dynamixel FR08-H101K set to the neck tilt servo (8xM2.5x4mm). Mount the FR08-H101K to the neck pan servo (10xM2.5x4mm). Add the servos to horizontal head frame (8xM2.5X8mm).


Mount the neck tilt servo onto bottom part (8xM2.5x12mm).


Shorten the front usb hub cable and attach it to the right USB connector.


Shorten and attach angle USB cable to front USB hub and connect it to back usb hub.


Add insert and mount vertical head frame (2xM4x8mm).


Build FadeCandy board. Add an insert and mount FadeCandy board with FadeCandy holder part (M3x6mm).


Solder cables on FadeCandy LED ring. Hot glue the cables for stability. Mount FadeCandy LED ring to inner body part.


Hot glow the camera to the inner body part. Make sure the camera is rotated as in the picture. Connect the camera to the Raspberry PI Zero. Mount the Raspberry PI Zero (M3x6).


Build the iris mechanics. Connect all the iris blades to the iris gear part. Put the iris gear and the blades into iris frontpart. Attach the LED diffuser part and fasten it (M3x4).


Mount outer body part to the left eye servo.


Add the iris mechanics into outer body part.

Insert the inner body part into part outer body part.


Add part servo gear part and the iris servo and add servo cable.


Add backplate (2xM2x8mm and 4xM2x10mm).


Mount the eye on head frame horizontal part (4xM2.5x8mm).


Build the right eye and mount it on the head frame horizontal (4xM2.5x8mm).


Create mouth using mouth part and LED strips and hot glue.


Mount the mouth onto the head frame horizontal part.


Shorten speaker cable and add angle usb connector. Add insert into speaker mount part and attach it to the vertical head frame part. Attach the speaker. Connect the speaker USB to the front USB hub.

Connect cable between iris servo left and right.

Connect cable from dynamixel board to iris servo right.

Connect the 5V power cable to the FadeCandy board.

Connect the USB cable to FadeCandy.

Connect USB to left Raspberry PI Zero.

Connect the keystone USB connector to the right Raspberry PI Zero.

Connect the Dynamixel board to neck tilt servo. Connect the neck tilt servo to the neck pan servo. Connect the neck pan servo to the left eye servo. Connect the left eye servo to the right eye servo.

Connect the FadeCandy board to all LEDs (Channels. 1: Left eye, 2: Right eye, 3: Mouth 1, 4: Mouth).

Put furniture pads under the robot.

Mount botton cover part and part botton cover back (4xM4x8mm and 2xM3x6mm).

Mount head front and head back.


Mount the ear cover and ear ring.

Software on the robot

Flash the SD cards for the Raspberry PI Zero

Set ID and baud rate for the Dynamixel servos protocol 2.0 using the Dynamixel Wizard application.

Neck tilt servo ID:2 3Mbit

Neck pan servo ID:3 3Mbit

Left eye servo ID:4 3Mbit

Right eye servo ID:5 3Mbit

Left iris servo ID:2 1Mbit

Right iris servo ID:3 1Mbit

Software on the computer

Setup the Epi computer

Install the Ikaros framework

Connect and run an experiment