Fallout 4 3d Printer

In this instructable, I will be showing you how I made a 3d printer out of a fallout 4 pip boy promotional box and 3d printed pla parts. It is inspired by the Maker’s muse fallout 3d printer. I built it for my senior project
6 8mm linear rods, 6 8mm linear bearings, 3 20mm pancake nema 17 stepper motors, a Titan extruder, a v6 hot end, an skr-2 motherboard, an mks mini 3.0 12864 neopixel graphic lcd display, pla filament, a 3d printer, crimping tools, a soldering iron, fusion 360, and a lot of patience
Design Process

I measured the pip boy box with calipers to get the design constraints. I then designed the base to Mach the curved contour of the box. I added mounts for the stepper motors and hot end.
Printing the Parts

I printed out the base and the other parts and cut the linear rods to length. I started assembling the printer and installed the hot end on its mount.
Starting Over

I found many issues with the base, mostly because I designed the printer before I bought the parts I had to re print the base 8 times. By the time it was finished.
Assembling the Printer

I cut out the side of the base to allow room for the electronics. I assembled the printer and inserted it into the box.
Installing the Electronics

I 3d printed a mount for the motherboard and used m3 screws to mount it to the side of the printer. I cut and crimped the wires to make them fit inside the inner panel.
Programming the Printer

I used vs code to configure marlin to run the 3d printer.
Finishing the Printer and First Print

I got glued the side panel on and printed a 3d benchy tug boat. It doesn’t have a part cooling fan but it still prints pretty well.