Family Coat Hook

Things you will need
- · ArtCAM Express
- · CNC machine
- · Block of wood
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Importing the Picture

1. Click “Open Model” within ArtCAM Express and choose a picture file ensuring a maximum z height is input.
2. Increase the image size to have a height of 100 mm.
3. Within the “Relief Editing” ribbon, smooth the whole relief with 1 pass.
Adding a Base

1. In the main toolbar click “model” and then “add border”. Specify a symmetrical boarder of 50 mm.
2. In the main toolbar click “toolpaths” and then “material setup”. Change the material thickness to be 10 mm and the material z zero to be at the top of the block.
3. Open the clipart library and select an appropriate base to import.
4. Resize, centre and change the z range of the base to 10 mm before selecting paste, ensuring that the “paste outline vector” box is ticked.
Adding the Holes and Text

1. Create 3 circles each with a diameter of 5 mm and with the following circles centres: (40,100) (95,40) (145,40).
2. Select and mirror all of the circles across the model ensuring the “copy original objects” box is ticked.
3. When in the 2D view, select the “text” tool and click within the model to add text. The size and font can be changed in the right sidebar.
Creating the Toolpaths
1. Within “Toolpaths” in the project tree, select the outline vector and create a profile toolpath around the outside of the selected vector with a start height 0 mm and end height 10 mm. Select an appropriate tool and then calculate.
2. Selecting just the outer vector, create a 3D machine relief toolpath within the selected vector using a small ball nosed tool for the finishing.
3. With the circle vectors selected, create a drilling toolpath using a 5 mm tool and a start and finish depth of 5 mm and 10 mm respectively.
4. Select the text and create a v-carve toolpath with a start depth of 5 mm and use a small v-bit tool.
Simulating and Saving the Toolpaths

1. Select “Toolpaths” on the project tree, then select “Simulate Toolpaths” .
2. Remove the excess material by right clicking on “Simulation” and selecting “Delete Waste Material”, then click on the waste material.
3. Change the material by clicking on “Simulation” and then selecting an appropriate material.
4. Click the save toolpaths icon and select the machine file format appropriate for your CNC machine.
5. Save the toolpaths and this file can then be exported to your machine.