Family 'Who Is It?'

For Charle's 4 years birthday I made a Family Who is it
This is an adpatation of a well known game. There are 2 players, they have in front them a lot of pictures of different people with different characteristics: hair, skin, glasses, hat. Then each player selects a secret picture. the other one has to discover the secret picture asking questions that allow to eliminate some pictures, the first to discover wins.
I asked the family members to make pictures with or without (or with a combination of) hat, glasses, sunglasses, bandana, or whatever they wanted. I asked to make the pictures on a clear wall and to make portraits. Already this was fun, and I collected a lot of nice pictures which I used for the cards.
Create the Cards Using a Template

I used Powerpoint to create a template with 8 frames and copied pasted the pictures in the frames, trying to keep the same size.
I also created 4 different backs for the cards.
And finally I printed 4 series of cards with the picture on one side and the back on the other side. You need a good quality color printer. I printed on thick paper.
Laminate With Plastic and Cut the Cards

I used a laminator to cover the pages with plastic.
I cut the cards with a cutter (in french the name is massicot) and also used scissors.
At the end, I got a lot of cards because I decided to print them all.

The secret card to find is Leon with a cap
First question: Is it a boy? Yes, allowed to remove all the girls.
Second question: does he wear glasses? No, allowed to remove all boys with glasses
Third question: Is it an adult? No
Fourth question: Does he has something on the head? Yes
Is it Leon? Yes
Reduce the Number of Cards

With the first trial, it became obvious that there were too many cards.
I selected and made 2 games, one for Leon and Charles, and another one for Thaïs and Zoé.
Create a Box With Compartments to Store the Cards.

I used a chocolate box to store the cards. Since the 4 sets of cards need to remain separated I created a separation with light cardboard (it is a sandwich paper and foam)
This game is simple to do, and fun to play in family.
With this entry, I intend to participate to the contest 'Game 2019', if you like it, vote for it!