Far-flying Paper Airplane

This paper airplane, that I call the Swordfish, is a far-flying plane that is very simple to construct, using just a piece of paper.

Normal 8 1/2” x 11” paper
A pair of hands
The Beginning

1: Fold paper in half as shown in photo 1. Unfold.
2: Fold top corners to center crease as shown in photo 2.
The Wings

1: Fold the left side to the middle crease as shown in photo 1.
2 Repeat on the right. It should look like photo 2.
The Wings…again

1: Fold the whole thing in half as shown in photo 1. it should look like photo 2.
2: Fold the top layer wing down so it sits on the edge as shown in photo 3. It should look like photo 4.
3: Repeat step 2 on the other side. It should look like photo 5.
4: Fold wings up so it looks like photo 6.
Finishing Touches/How to Fly

You can put fins in the wings for a longer distance flight (photo 1) or you can curve the backs of the wings for it to fly higher and have a prettier flight (photo 2).
To make it fly, make sure everything is parallel and launch as hard as you can at an upwards angle outside. Enjoy!