Farm Diorama Made of Construction Paper
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Farm Diorama Made of Construction Paper

This is a fun little idea I had while I was doing nothing. The basic shape is just a small field a shed and a fishing pond. It is an amazing art project you can do with the hole family. Or you can do it yourself and please leave comments for later improvements.
The supplies you'll need are:
- scissors
- a pencil (for marking)
- glue
- a ruler
- a sheets of construction paper (1 yellow, 2 green, 1 red, 1 brown, 1 blue, 1 black, and 1 white [printer paper works as well])
Step One: the Field

The fIeld will be the first thing to be put on. My field was a field of corn but you can make your field with any vegetable you wish. The first thing to do is cut a rectangle out of the brown. Then what you want to do is draw lines on the bottom of the brown rectangle to mark where you want the stalks of corn. Next, cut small slits on all the marks. Then, cut a 2 cm strip off the green, fold it into fourths and cut the strip in half. Then, cut the strips into the number of stalks you need. I needed 20. After you have the required number of stalks, cut a small slit into the bottom of each stalk. Once that is done fold the stalks on half and shove them through the slots on the brown rectangle and fold out the flaps and glue them to the "dirt". Now cut some small yellow rectangles and glue them to the stalks. This is the hardest part on this step, but it is still pretty easy. After that is done you can glue the field to the uncut green sheet of construction paper.
Step Two: the Shed

This is probably the hardest part of the project and it can be a little frustrating at times. But the sooner we get started the sooner we can get through this. So, without further ado, let's get started. The first thing you want to do is cut the front of the shed (from the red paper). Then, at each of the vertices you want to put a small slit. then fold each of the flaps you just made toward the back. Next, measure the side of the shed and cut two rectangles to the top of one side. DO NOT GO TO THE TOP OF THE SHED!! It will make it hard if you do. With that being said, let's continue. Next, cut the back of the shed. The back is is merely a rectangle from the red. Then, measure the top sides and cut a black rectangle to the required length and glue it to the top to create the roof. now cut about 9 strips of white making sure to keep two twice as thick as the others. fold the two thicker strips in half and glue them on the corners. Then use the other strips to create the door and the trim on the front.
Step Three: the Pond

This is one of the easier steps to do. To start, cut an oddball shape out of the blue sheet of paper. Then, glue it to the green paper next to the shed. After the water is glued down cut a rectangle from the brown. Then, fold the rectangle up and cut a rock shape and glue them around the pond.
Finished Product

If you are making this along with me, than I just want to say great job and remember to put a picture in and say you made it, and once a leave a comment if you would like to see something added.