Fashionable Holes

This collection of tops was inspired by two photographs I took. One was of a mushroom and the other was the lack of the same mushroom after the lawn it resided in was cut. After witnessing this, I decided to create some garments with holes. Each piece is my own original creation, and I feel that the fun of making your own clothes is to design them around your own style and body. Therefore, this instructable is for the hole detail as opposed to the design of each garment. You can add a hole to any one-of-a-kind piece you create for yourself!
Materials and Supplies

There are two variations of the hole in this collection: one done with thick fray-proof fabric and one on delicate fabric like cotton or knits.
The materials needed for thick fabrics are:
hot glue gun/glue
The materials needed for thin fabrics are:
chalk (or other writing implement that won't bleed through the fabric)
needle and thread
sewing machine
The materials needed for thick fabrics are:
hot glue gun/glue
The materials needed for thin fabrics are:
chalk (or other writing implement that won't bleed through the fabric)
needle and thread
sewing machine
What I Did

This is what I did with thick fabric.
Your Turn

1. Pick a fabric that is thick and fray-proof. I used a backed "suede."
2. Draw a shape (it doesn't have to be a circle) on the back of the fabric.
3. Cut the shape from the center to the edges.
4. Use the hot glue gun to glue back each of the pieces.
5. Pick another piece of fabric and trace the finished shape from the first piece onto the back.
6. Draw another shape that is larger than the traced one and repeat from step 3.
When you have the number of layers you want, hot glue them all together and trim any excess fabric. To apply it to your piece, you need to follow the same steps to cut an appropriately sized hole in your garment.
2. Draw a shape (it doesn't have to be a circle) on the back of the fabric.
3. Cut the shape from the center to the edges.
4. Use the hot glue gun to glue back each of the pieces.
5. Pick another piece of fabric and trace the finished shape from the first piece onto the back.
6. Draw another shape that is larger than the traced one and repeat from step 3.
When you have the number of layers you want, hot glue them all together and trim any excess fabric. To apply it to your piece, you need to follow the same steps to cut an appropriately sized hole in your garment.
What I Did

Here's what I did.
Your Turn

To create this hole detail with delicate fabrics:
1. Draw a shape (it doesn't have to be a circle) on the back of the fabric.
2. Cut the shape out from the center.
3. Pick another piece of fabric and trace the finished shape from the first piece onto the back.
5. Draw another shape that is larger than the traced one and repeat from step 2
When you have the number of layers you want, finish the edges of the shape by sewing a tight zigzag stitch around the edge. Use a needle and tread (or fabric glue) to stitch the layers together. Stitch along the inside edges where you've already sewn to hide these new stitches. To apply it to your piece, you need to follow the same steps to cut an appropriately sized hole in your garment.
1. Draw a shape (it doesn't have to be a circle) on the back of the fabric.
2. Cut the shape out from the center.
3. Pick another piece of fabric and trace the finished shape from the first piece onto the back.
5. Draw another shape that is larger than the traced one and repeat from step 2
When you have the number of layers you want, finish the edges of the shape by sewing a tight zigzag stitch around the edge. Use a needle and tread (or fabric glue) to stitch the layers together. Stitch along the inside edges where you've already sewn to hide these new stitches. To apply it to your piece, you need to follow the same steps to cut an appropriately sized hole in your garment.
Have Fun!

You can apply these details to any garment or accessory! Be creative, and take this idea further than I did here. For example, I'm currently working on adding it to some upholstery.
Update: Upholstery finished!
Update: Upholstery finished!