Fast Paper Airplane

As a kid I made a lot of paper airplanes, trying to see what designs were the fastest or went the farthest. I always liked the faster ones, and this ended up being the one I made a lot.

1 sheet of 8.5 x 11 inch paper

Viewing the paper horizontally, fold it in half from left to right and then unfold.

Fold both top corners to the middle.

Fold the top down to where the previous folds met.

Fold the top right corner down, aligned with the center.

Repeat step 4 with the other corner.

Turn the plane over and fold the bottom right corner to the center crease.

Repeat step 6 with the other side.

Fold the right edge down towards the center.

Repeat step 8 with the other side.

Fold the plane in half, left side over right side along the crease made in step 1.

Fold the top wing down. This will be the left wing of the plane.

Turning the plane over, repeat step 11 with the other wing.

Lastly, fold up the flaps that were tucked in the crease.