Felt Fox Ordainment

A cute plush to add to the family Christmas tree! This felt fox is four inches long and with the tie on it's back, it's easily placed on a tree or another fixture. A ragamuffin look to this fox gives it a likable charm. This project is an guarantee inexpensive and relaxing way to be creative.
Felt squares (orange/white/grey), Faux Suede Cord (3-6 inches), Sewing string and needle, small buttons (black)
Gathering Your Supplies

The supplies for this project can be adapted. The colors of the felts are optional, but at this point three colors of felt squares should be on hand. Buttons for eyes and nose, of any color you fancy; along with a sewing string and a needle should remain nearby.
Cutting the Felt Shapes

A picture above gives a diagram of the shapes needed. The shapes don't have to be exact, as later in the steps you will be hand sewing them together; which warrants some control.
The colors are as so:
- Side 1 Orange
- Side 2 Orange
- Back Orange
- Back Feet Grey
- Front Feet Grey
- Outside Ears Grey
- Belly White
- Side 1 Tail White
- Side 2 Tail White
- Side 1 Snout White
- Side 2 Snout White
- Inside Ears White
Stitching the Details
After the shapes are cut out, you can start on stitching the grey and white fox details. Take side 1 and it's tail, feet, and snout and start stitching the felt shape onto the top of side 1. Try to line the shape exactly to side 1's edges. You can use orange thread to blend in, or black thread to stand out.
Stitching the Details Continued...
After side 1 is stitch with it's grey and white details, start on side 2. This side also has a snout, feet, and tail.
Adding the Back
Once sides 1 and 2 are finished, you will start on the back. Start with threading your needle through both side 1, where the nose would b;, and the back, on the wide side tip. Make sure you are threading with felt inside out, or the details facing inward. Follow along the shape of side 1 until you reach the end of the back, the thin side tip. Switch over to side 2, and start stitching at tail junction. Stitch along side 2, flowing from the thin side to the thick side on the back. Make sure you are encircling the whole back. At the end, you should have a noticeable figure.
Stitching the Belly
Take the belly and line it up to the figure that's been established. Make sure to match the legs to their correct counterpart. Starting from the snout, stitch the sides and belly together. Double stitch, or put extra attention on where the legs and belly meet. Before finishing, take stuffing and fill the figure. If non is available you can use other soft material like yarn as stuffing.
Stitching the Ears
Take the ears, and match the inside with the outside. Stitch the two pieces together to make one ear. Repeat with the second ear. Line up the ears to the body. Stitch the ears onto the body.
Eyes and Nose
Pick out two buttons for eyes and one for a nose. Be creative and choose complementary colors or make double-colored eyes. After choosing, stitch the buttons onto the fox.
Add the Tie

Once the figure is all complete and looks nice, add a tie to it's back. Just make a loop, and then stitch the loop onto the fox.