Fiat Punto Fuel Tank Cover Holder Repair

by Saša Đorđević in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Fiat Punto Fuel Tank Cover Holder Repair


Hi, this is how I repaired my Fiat Punto fuel tank cap holder. It broke few months ago, I could not find a new one in the shop so I decided to make one using 3d printer. This string/cap holder should be suitable for any Fiat Punto mk2/mk3 regardles of weather it is using petrol or diesel.



All you need for this project is:

  • a small screwdriver (or anything similar to remove old holder from cap)
  • 3d printer (that can print TPU and has at least building volume of 215mmx215mm)
  • TPU fillament ( ~ 3.2 meters 1.75mm TPU, or any other flexibile material that your printer is using)
  • 15 minutes of your time (not including time to print parts)

Remove Old Ring From the Cap


First you should remove old cap holder ring with screwdriver or any other sharp and small tool like knife, scalper etc.

This should not be too hard, cap is flexible enough to withstand removal. I wanted to remain old ring intact, but you can simply cut it in half.

Remove Old String


After removing cap ring, remove or cut in half string that is attached to string holder. I simply pulled it a bit harder. Maybe you will need assistance of screwdriver. BE CAREFULL not to damage string holder, you will need is to attach new string on it. You do not need to remove old string holder from car mount.

3D Print New Cap Holder Parts


Then use stl files that I provided to 3d print your cap holder. I provided two models in two files. One file represent a whole holder from one piece, and the other two files are separated string and ring files. They represent the same model, but i had difficulties printing whole model since TPU is very flexible, so I broke it in two pieces and printed it as separated parts. I was more pleased with the result. I user 1.75mm Creality TPU and 0.4 nozzle on my Creality K1 max printer, using generic TPU profile with support. Time of printing was around 45 minutes.If you prefere more, you can print ring with PETG as well but I suggest to widen a ring model for 5% so you do not struggle too much, when putting it on the cap. As you see on pictures, the string of two part model is bit longer on the end, so i could easily hold the string while pusshing it trough the ring hole. Maybe you should use a screwdriver a bit to put the strong trough ring hole.

Putting New Cap Holder


When you put the ring on cap, you should put the other side of string to string holder. It should not be so hard to mount it, use screwdriver if you need help, since it is a tight space. I used fingers, and it went pretty smoothly.

Enjoy Your Work


At the end you should return cap to tank and tight it well. After that the only thing that is left is to enjoy your work, and the ride :)