Final Project1

Scheduling Website
The Problem
My final project was to build something of a calendar app that I can use and will easily allow my family members to add and remove events so that I can see not only what they are doing but what I am included in so it can make my schedule a lot smoother and easier. This project is important to my client and his community as it takes away a lot of stress and frustration when finding out about things last minute and may affect how he reacts while doing certain events or tasks. My client is a student, worker, and avid in all part of his community. The project is meaningful to me as this is something I try and do with my family to minimize confusion and frustration and create a healthier communication so that I don't have to deal with the tension of anger
How the App Is Used

Creating the App

The first thing I needed to do when building this app for my client was building the external shell for it. This consisted of making the tables I need and the app screens that I needed. Those would be an app table to store all of the logged events so that they can be linked to the table. The screens I would need would be a screen for all the events on a certain day, within a certain week period, and within a certain month period, as well as a tab to add events. In this stage I wasn't worried about specifics but to throw everything I needed together to have the basics completed allowing me to go into depth later. Once creating the screens all I had to do was add a column list
Editing Time Frame

The next thing I valued as important to making this list was to allow every page to only show events with a certain time period that was changeable by the user. What I mean by this is making it so that, for example, the daily view page would only show events on a certain day, and you could look at any day chosen by the user. This would be the same for the weekly view and the monthly view with a few tweaks. I used the lines of code =Filter(Table1,"((Table1[Date]=$[FromDate]) OR ($[FromDate]=""""))") and =Filter(Table1,"((Table1[Date]>$[FromDate] AND Table1[Date]<$[ToDate]) OR ($[FromDate]=""""))"). What these lines of code mean is, for the first one, the entered date will be logged and any date from an event in the table that is equal to it will appear on the page. For the second line of code, this was used for the weekly and monthly view, meant that once the user selected two different dates that it would take all events from that time frame and display them on the page.
Removing Events

So while this is all great you can add events times and dates, and even notes for specifics about the event. But, what happens when the event gets canceled or there is a scheduling conflict and you have to choose one or the other. Well this is what I worked on in adding a page to remove any event.
Adding Notification

All of this app is good and well, anyone can add to it and remove tasks from the app and while that's helpful I think it can go a step further. One of the main things this app was designed to do was make life extremely easy for our clients and what would make it easier, getting sent a notification when something gets added or removed from your schedule which is exactly what I did. I created two new automations which would send an email to the client when an event was removed or added.
Website Credit

The biggest resources that helped me were the:
Honey Code Community Page - multiple blogs of specific helpful ways to fix and troubleshoot cod