Fire Flys in a Jar

Hi! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything for a few months. But here's a project that's really cool and can add ambiance to any party. Or just to put on your dresser for looks.
P.S. I'm sorry for blurry pictures. Lets get started!

You are going to need...
A hot glue gun,
A screw driver,
Sharpies (colors like orange and yellow),
Wood glue,
Three tea candles,
And one mason jar.
Preparing the Jar.

Mix the wood glue with a little bit of water (more glue than water),
than get a paint brush and paint the inside of the jar with the mixture.
Let it dry. And while its drying lets build the rest.
Take Apart the Candles.

Now take your candle and your screwdriver to pry off the bottom carefully. Then pull out the LED and poke out the candle tip. Do this with all three.

Now solder off the LED off two of them.
Then solder on one of them to the LED connected to the switch.
Then solder the last one on the one connected to the switch.
Make sure you soldered them on correctly or else it won't work.
Prepare the Lid.

Trace one of the switches on the lid and drill it out till it fits snug.
Super glue it on and, if you want, you can wrap it for decoration.
Your Done!

You now have a cool jar that you can use as decoration or how ever you want!
If you liked it please vote for it on the hot glue contest,
the backyard contest,
and the crafting 101 contest. Thank You!
P.S. if you keep the other batteries you have some to use when the one being used dies.