Fishing Fishes

Hello! You would like fish some fishes?
The fishes can be made in about 15 minutes and also you can decorate your fishes as you want and later play with your family, the person who catch more fishes win!

Paper print with the fishes (you can download it bellow)
Glue or tape
Wool or something like a fishing line
Drinking straw or something like a stick about 6 inches or 15 cm
Download the paper of the fishes and print it on letter-size paper, you can do 2 fishes per print

Enjoy decorating your fish you can use colors markers and other stuff to do it

Cut with the scissors by the black continuous line to remove the parts of the fish be careful with the scissors don’t want any injuries

Fold by the segment lines of the fish to make marks and later build a triangle like the photo

put glue on the bottom part of the fish to close the triangle and also on the tail and fin, paste the parts like the photos
Clip Tongue

Now you can fold the clip to make the tongue, have to finish like the photo
Put the Tongue

glue the clip and put it into the mouth of the fish
Making the Rod

Take 9 inches (20 cm) of the wool or fishing line and glue it to one of the ends of the stick

Fold another clip to make the hook and Attach the clip to the other side of the wool or fishing line now you finish the fishing rod

You and your family or friends can make some paper fish and rods to play with it.
All the players will try to catch all the fishes that are on the table the player who catch more fishes win!