Fishing Travel Life Hacks

by djo4 in Outside > Fishing

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Fishing Travel Life Hacks


You pack up your equipment, put in your truck and leave. You get to the lake but all the line is tangled and hooks are sticking into your other equipment.Here is how to prevent that

Stick Hooks and Lures in Corks


this is as easy as it sounds. It will prevent hooks from snagging objects in your vehicle. plus if you drop them in the lake they will float.

Floater Holder


This is an easy way to keep your floaters organized. You just place each one in a empty egg carton until full(12).

plus it will fit in your car!(obviously)

Altoids Fishing Kit


if you want a emergency fishing kit pack your hooks,lures,line,swivels and fly's in this kit that can fit in your glove compartment(or an actual glove). Next time when a bear steals your tackle box this is a great backup.

you can find more detail on how to build this from this instructive page:



I only added this because they are a great snack for the car plus fish like them to. Use them the same way you use power bait. Also don't eat them all.