Fix an Old Broken Toaster!

by LeoXLR8 in Workshop > Repair

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Fix an Old Broken Toaster!


Hey there, folks! Today, we're tackling a classic household dilemma: the broken toaster. You know the drill – that trusty toaster in the shed that's seen better days? Well, it's time to show it some love. But don't fret, fixing it up is easier than you might think. We're talking about simple solutions that won't break the bank or require a degree in rocket science. Plus, most toasters are cut from the same cloth, so once you've got this down, you're golden.


  1. A broken toaster (You can't fix a toaster if you don't have one!).
  2. A small flathead screwdriver (Any small one will do as long as it fits the screws).
  3. Small metal nail file (Can be found on foldable Swiss knives, alternatively you could use sandpaper).
  4. Rubber insulated gloves (Optional, I recommend it so you don't cut yourself on the sharp metal of the toaster!).
  5. A small LED bulb.
  6. A 1.5 volt battery (I used a 9 volt battery which was very low on power).
  7. 3 Small jumper wires with crocodile clips on the ends.
  8. Vacuum cleaner and cleaning wipes (Optional if your toaster is very dirty like mine was).

Identify the Issue

Let's play detective. Remember when your toaster kicked the bucket? Did it go out with a bang or quietly call it quits? If there was a hiss or a pop, we're likely dealing with a fuse problem – hop to step 2. But if your toaster got a little too cozy with water (big no-no), it might be game over. If it just decided to clock out randomly, it's probably the switch throwing a tantrum. Time for step 3.

Test Fuse


Now, onto the nitty-gritty. Time to put that fuse under the microscope. If you're across the pond, unscrew the plug; if you're stateside, check out your fuse box. Once you've got that fuse in your hand, it's showtime. Grab three jumper wires, an LED bulb, and a battery. I dug up a tired old 9-volt battery, but a trusty 1.5-volt battery will do just fine. Now, fuses aren't picky creatures – they work regardless of direction. Clip a jumper wire to each end of the fuse, then one to the battery. Connect the other end of the fuse to the LED bulb, and the bulb's other end to the battery. Voila! If the bulb stays dark, your fuse is toast (pun intended). Time for a replacement! Pop in the new fuse, test your toaster, and if it springs back to life, well, treat yourself to a victory snack. If not, no worries, we've got more steps to tackle.

Remove Top Toaster Cover


Time to get hands-on with your toaster. Flip it over and grab your screwdriver – it's unscrewing time! Once all the screws are out and safely stashed to the side, flip that toaster back up and get ready to slide off the cover. But wait – there's a sneaky plastic cover on the lever. Peel that off first and set it aside before you pop the top off the toaster. Easy does it!

Remove Circuit Boards and Clean Inside of Toaster


Okay, so it might look like a toaster tornado in there, but fear not – we've got this! Start by giving it a quick vacuum to clear away any crumbs and debris. Next up, unplug all those connections from the main board. Once that's sorted, it's screwdriver time again – unscrew that board and gently lift it out. Easy-peasy, right? Oh, and don't forget to snap a few pics of those cables before you disconnect them – they'll be your lifesavers when it's time to put everything back together. Oh, and while you're at it, disconnect those cables from the main control panel too. With everything unplugged, you should be able to slide off the top of the toaster like a champ. Easy access, here we come!

Remove the Toaster Switch Circuit Board


Time to focus on the star of the show – the switch! Give it a gentle vacuum to clear out any lingering crumbs and debris. Now, let's get down to business. Unscrew that electro magnet – it's the big chunk of metal nearby. Once that's out of the way, you'll spot the switch hanging out next to it. It's just two copper pieces that do a little bend-and-snap dance when you push the lever down. Remove the board holding them, whether it's with screws or by bending the plastic clip. And hey, while you're at it, give the toaster a final once-over with the vacuum. Cleanliness is next to toastiness, after all!

Fix the Switch Circuit Board


Alrighty, let's give that switch a little TLC. Grab your small metal file and gently sand down the contacts to banish any debris or buildup that's been hanging around. We want those copper bits to shine like new! But remember, easy does it – we're aiming for shiny, not shaved. Once you're satisfied, it's time for a little quality control. Hook up the LED and jumper wires just like we did back in step 2 with the fuse test. Wire up the LED to the battery and the switch, then give that switch a test run with your finger. Oh, and a word of caution – safety first! Consider donning some electrical insulating gloves, just in case that tiny battery decides to pack a surprise. We're all about toast, not shocks!

Reassemble Toaster and Give It the Final Cleaning It Deserves


Nearly there, we're in the home stretch now! Remember those handy-dandy pictures you took during disassembly? Time to put them to good use. Start by reversing the order – pop those boards back in place, screw them down nice and snug, and plug those wires back in where they belong. Once everything's looking shipshape, it's cover time! Gently slide the toaster cover back on, making sure it's all snug and secure. Don't forget to pop that lever cap back in place for that finishing touch. Now, flip that toaster on its side and get those bottom screws back where they belong. And just like that, you've conquered the toaster repair adventure like a pro! Give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy the sweet smell of success – and maybe some freshly toasted bread while you're at it.

Make Yourself Toast With Jam!


Moment of truth – plug that bad boy in and give it a whirl, minus the toast for now. Let it do its thing solo for a test run. If it springs back to life, hooray! Your toaster is back in action. But if it's still giving you the silent treatment, it might be time to call in the big guns – a professional or someone with serious electronics chops. Otherwise, pop on those antibacterial wipes and give your toaster a good wipe-down, being extra careful not to touch those hot grills. Safety first, folks! Now, it's showtime. Pop in a slice of bread and watch that toaster work its magic like it never skipped a beat. And hey, why not jazz up that toast with some jam? You've earned it!