Fixing MEC Down Booties

Recently, my amazing MEC down booties broke. (sad face) More specifically the drawstring snapped. They also were too long and needed shortening. This tutorial will go through the fixing and shortening process.
Lets get building.

- A sharp hobby knife.
(scissors will not suffice)

This is the original cord to be cut.
Cutting Cord

- Cut the cord to 6cm.
Top Plastic Part

- Locate the teeny tiny slot on the side of the plastic part.
- Stick your blade into it and twist it to separate it into 2 parts.
2 Parts

It should look like this.

- Stick the cord through the bottom piece. (numbered 1)
- Press the other piece on top like the 2nd picture.

Your boots are now fixed and the drawstrings are shortened! Enjoy!