Floral Bookshelf Painting

This mini adorable painting can be put on display, or be given to family and friends as a handmade gift.

- paint brush
- canvas
- easel [optional]
- pencil or marker
- ruler
- acrylic paints
- black fine liner
Under Coat

- Evenly coat your canvas in black paint.let it dry
Paint the Shelves

2. using a ruler and pencil lightly measure and draw the lines in place of the shelves.
Next, go over the lines with brown paint [you can fix any bent lines with black paint].
Add the Books

3. Using different colors, paint random books on the shelves.
mark an x where you want to paint a plant pot {optional}

4. this step is optional, but it makes the painting more detailed.
using a lighter shade of each color or white paint, randomly paint thin lines over the books.put aside to dry

5. Use different colors to paint flowers and leaves
6. After the paint has dried, use a thin paintbrush to add light strokes of gold paint to areas that require it.
Black Pen

7. this step is straightforward all you need to do is get an inky pen and outline everything.

"You have finished your work. Now, you can sit back and appreciate your masterpiece."