Flower Wrap Daisies

I made these flowers out of the cellophane that you find wrapped around a store-bought bouquet, and old pencils that don't have erasers any more. I wanted something that would last to remember my first bouquet of flowers by. It's an easy craft to do, and you can still get use out of the pencils!

You will need:
Pencils (ones with flat erasers work best)
Flower cellophane
A jar (or something round and small)
A dark pencil (you can use a pen if you like, but the marks may not come off)

Cut out a circle.
Usually there is a front and back to the material we're working with. On the back of the cellophane (you choose which side you want up) trace a circle with a jar and cut it out. If you don't have anything to trace around, just cut out a square and trim the corners off to make a circle

Cut slits.
Draw a smaller circle in the big circle and cut slits from the edge to the smaller circle all around it about 1/4 inches apart

Cut out petals.
Cut off the corners close to the edge of the flower

Tack it.
Place your flower's center face up on the edge of the pencil, then poke the thumbtack into the eraser through the flower.

Shape it.
Bend it, crease it, and curl it, until it looks just right. Don't pull too hard or the petals might come off. Don't worry if one or two petals do come off, it just adds to the realism in a full bouquet.

Try this with different colors and patterns, or add multiple layers to make it look fuller. If don't like the pencil patterns you can paint them or cover them with green tape.
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