Foam Plate Plane

Are you tired of buying overpriced parts for your rc plane? Well this is for you I have saved over $50 with this plan
Get the Materials

You need the following things,
1. Old styrofoam plate
2. Old airplane part
3. Hot glue
You also need siscors
Get a Templet of the Part

Tape up the old part as best you can or just design a new one
Start Drawing

Trace or draw the part on the plate make sure you draw where the hinges are
Cut Out

Cut out the part be carful don't cut where the hinges go
Make Hinges

To make the hinges just run it over with a pincle a couple of times to push in the styrofoam but don't go all the way through and then test it
Add Control Horn and Wheel

Mark where the control horns go and the wheel and install just like you usually do

Mine was a perfict fit but if yours is to thin you might have to ca some plates together to get it right but install like normal and go fly