Foldable Patato Masher

The result.
What You'll Need.
1 X Aluminium rod 4mm thick.
1 X Aluminium bar 2mm X 20mm
Mdf or other wood that can be molded easely 4mm thick so you can layer it.
Wood glue
Bending the Aluminium Rod.

Use masking tape to mark the rod every 8 cm put a line with a pencil or pen on the masking tape.
Use this mark as the middle of your bend. Bend arround a metal rod to get a nice and consitend curveture.
Lastly bend the hook in the middle of the last bend as seen on the last 2 pictures.
Bend the S Shape in the Aluminium Stem.

Now you can bend the S shape in the stem. Bend it so that the metal hook on the end of the masher fits snugly.
Then you bend the aluminium back on itself to create an S shape. The last bend is just before it goes in the handle, this bend should make it so that the handle is in the middle of the masher and it points straight up.
Making the Handle.

The handle is made from glued toghether layers of wood. Cut the wood
4 strips of 140 by 30 mm.
and 2 pieces of 35 by 30 mm.
Out of 2, 140 by 30 mm chissel a void that is 20 by 105mm and 1mm deep.
Then stack al pieces and glue them togheter, and now you can sand the handle shape as you would like it to be. Start with very course paper 60 grid and work your way up to 320. Until you have the desired shape. use the small pieces to make a bulge near the stem to stop the handle sliding through your hand.
Painting the Masher

Use paint that is ok for use with food!
Do not forget to put down cardboard and blankets to protect the places you do not want to paint.
The End Result.

Glue the handle on the stem.
In the end you'll have a practical masher that fits in the drawer.