Fur Dog Hat
Hey everyone!
My family has a 2 years old malinua (a kind of belgian shepherd) named Luka that always has shedding of hair all over the house. Cleaning the hair is not such a big deal, but since there are more and more every day it looks like an unending work. One day I watched a vedio where people made a hat to their cat out of his shedded fur, and I knew that I must try this with Luka.
So, this is how to make a hat to your dog out of his hair!

For this small project you will need:
- A dog/cat
- Scissors
- Brush that takes off pets hair (not mandatory)
- A treat or one of your pets toys
Collect You Dog's Hair

First, you will need to collect some of your dog's hair. You can use some of the hair that fell out of your dog, or use the brush that used to take out some of your dog's hair. Make sure you have enogh hair for the next step, and if you use a brush i recommand to invest not more then 5 minutes taking hair off your dog.
Shaping the Hair

Now that you collected enogh of your dog's hair, you can shape it however you would like to make it the perfect hat. I seperated the hair to 2, a small and a big part, in order to make a flat hat with kind of a ball on top of it.
I do reccomand to add some water to the hair, as it will be easier to shape it as you wish, but notice you don't add to much hair as it could turn it to big dough you won't be able to use.
Next, I use scissors to shape the flat circle I made from the big part of the hair, which helped it look better.
Taking Some Photos

Now that the hat is ready, it's time to really use it. My dog didn't like how the hair felt on the top of his had, so I had to give him a toy that would distract him.
And that's it! If you make a hat for your dog or cat, make sure to share it as well!