Garden Mandala Land Art

by calendarfreak in Craft > Art

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Garden Mandala Land Art


Recently my girlfriend and I rented a night in a treehouse on AirBnb in Oklahoma City. Check it out here!

We decided to build a garden mandala to leave behind at the treehouse. Luckily my gf was prepared and packed a ton of art stuff in the car.


garden pins.jpeg

Gather items that you want to use in your nature art piece, and separate materials into groups. You can find all of your items in nature, or you can "cheat" and buy special items in store. I used a mixture of store bought and nature found materials.

Optional Tools:

  • Tape Measurer - To help with evenly spacing
  • Garden Pins - Used to keep certain things in place. Especially if you are making your art on unleveled land.

Some of the nature items I used include, wood slices, rocks, nuts, pinecones, fake pumpkins, tree bark, mulch, sawdust, and stuff I found in potpourri. Surprisingly, potpourri has some really cool and unique items!

Find Your Inspiration


I recently discovered Sacred Geometry. So for the general shape of the mandala, we wanted something similar to Metatron's Cube.

Do a quick keyword search for images of other's garden mandala artwork.

Here are a few search word suggestions:

  • Garden Mandala
  • Earth Mandala
  • Nature Mandala
  • Nature Art
  • Land Art
  • Earth Art
  • Location Specific Art

Layout the Biggest Pieces First


Start by laying out the biggest item pieces first. You can use measuring tape or a piece of string as a guide for evenly spacing. Once you have the biggest pieces in place, next comes the fun part, plug and play.

Plug and Play


This is the first draft that we ended up with. We weren't completely satisfied yet so we kept plugging and playing.

Using trial and error is best way to go, especially because of its looseness. If we liked how a section looked then we kept it, and if we didn't then we would try something different until we were happy with the design.

Finish Garden Mandala


Once your happy with your design take a couple pics and walk away. Congratulations on your awesome display of temporary land art! Just remember to have fun and don't get hung up on trying to make it perfect. Nature is already perfectly imperfect.

Thanks for reading! :D