Gas Nozzle Lamp

At a junk sale one day, I happened on an old gas nozzle that looked lonesome and needed a home. As soon as I saw it I thought, "lamp!" So, it had to come home with me.
The materials used for this project included an old gas nozzle, light socket, lamp cord and switch, a threaded lamp stem & nuts, scrap piece of copper tubing, Gorilla Glue, primer, paint, scrap wood, and various wood screws. I also used primer, paint, stain, and varnish.
Tools used were a pipe wrench, drill & bits, band saw (any saw will do),and a screwdriver.
This is an easy project and can be easily finished in a day or two -- even allowing for paint to dry!
The materials used for this project included an old gas nozzle, light socket, lamp cord and switch, a threaded lamp stem & nuts, scrap piece of copper tubing, Gorilla Glue, primer, paint, scrap wood, and various wood screws. I also used primer, paint, stain, and varnish.
Tools used were a pipe wrench, drill & bits, band saw (any saw will do),and a screwdriver.
This is an easy project and can be easily finished in a day or two -- even allowing for paint to dry!
Preparing the Nozzle

The extension for the nozzle was missing, so I made a new one from a piece of scrap copper tubing. It was a press fit, so I just tapped it on with a hammer (1st photo).
Since I would have to route the lamp cord through the inside of the gas nozzle, I removed the valve from the nozzle. This was easy -- I removed the fitting from the top of the nozzle and simply pulled out the spring and the valve (2nd photo). This gave me plenty of room for the lamp cord.
I wanted to run the lamp cord out of the base of the lamp, so I drilled a hole in the bottom fitting (3rd photo) to allow the cord to exit.
My plan was to mount the nozzle to a wood base, so I cut a wooden plug and glued it into the bottom fitting (4th photo). This would allow me to run a screw up from the base of the lamp to attach the nozzle to the base.
Since I would have to route the lamp cord through the inside of the gas nozzle, I removed the valve from the nozzle. This was easy -- I removed the fitting from the top of the nozzle and simply pulled out the spring and the valve (2nd photo). This gave me plenty of room for the lamp cord.
I wanted to run the lamp cord out of the base of the lamp, so I drilled a hole in the bottom fitting (3rd photo) to allow the cord to exit.
My plan was to mount the nozzle to a wood base, so I cut a wooden plug and glued it into the bottom fitting (4th photo). This would allow me to run a screw up from the base of the lamp to attach the nozzle to the base.
Priming & Painting

I used a spray primer followed by a black hammered finish, following the directions for prepping and painting on the paint cans. The photo shows the nozzle drying after applying the primer.
Electrical Stuff

After running the lamp cord through the nozzle (starting from the bottom and coming out the top), I assembled the parts I needed to mount the socket. I used a threaded lamp tube (from an old lamp), and added a spacer from my junk box that would allow the assembly to slide into the copper tube. After wiring the socket to the lamp cord, I coated this spacer with Gorilla Glue and held it in place (fitted inside the copper tube) until the glue expanded and set.
Making the Base

The first part of the base was the wedged shaped piece shown in the 1st photo. This piece sets the angle that I wanted the nozzle to be on the lamp base. Note the long screw sticking through the center of this wedge -- this screw was used to fasten the wedge to the wood plug I placed in the bottom fitting of the nozzle.
The 2nd photo shows the wedge piece screwed to the bottom part of the base. After making these pieces, I stained and varnished them.
The 2nd photo shows the wedge piece screwed to the bottom part of the base. After making these pieces, I stained and varnished them.

This is the finished product. I decided to use a flicker-bulb in the socket. If I later on want to use a regular bulb, I will add a small shade.