Gcode in Grasshopper

I used the cylindrical slicer to try and make something that has varying extrusion multipliers along the circumference. Work to be continued...
- grasshopper
- 3D printer
- filament
Extrusion Multiplier Python Code

I fed the extrusion multiplier slider into a block in grasshopper, where I made a new extrusion multiplier list, and said to increase it by 2 at every 6th vertex. I also want to have it pause there to make a blob, but I haven't done that part fully yet. Right now, I just added other vertices next to it. Link to GH file
Trial and Error

The printer gears could not catch up with these ratios, so I need to make a pause command where it extrudes but doesn't move. This may help me get the effect I am looking for.
I did get an unintended effect from overhangs... I layered a wavy shape over a circle, and got some stringing created by slow extrusion over those gaps.