Geometric Painting

We made a geometric painting with many different colours to add some spice in your house.

· Painters tape
· Paper
· Acrylic paint
· Paintbrushes
· Cup of water
· Paper towel
Placing the Painters Tape

Cut pieces of painters tape and then place them on your paper or canvas depending on what you are using.
Getting the Paint Ready
Start setting up your paint pallet with the colors that you want to use. Choose the paint brushes that you are going to use for your abstract art.
Start Painting

With the acrylic paint you have that you have, start painting each geometric shape and make sure that you use a contrast of colours (Make sure when you’re switching colours you dip the brush into a cup of water then dab the water off with a paper towel)
Wait for It to Dry

Wait for your art to dry which can take 10-20 min depending on what paint you use
Peel the Painters Tape Off

When dry, peel off the painters tape