Geometric Art

by Savvyz in Craft > Art

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Geometric Art


Hi and welcome to another art instructable, This instructable is going to show you how to create this geometric line art using colouring in pencils



Start off by gathering the following:

  1. Ruler- it can be 10cm or 30cm
  2. A piece of paper- I use a A4 piece but the piece of paper can be as big or as little as you want
  3. Pencil- I always use a pencil to start off so I can erase out mistakes
  4. Eraser
  5. Colouring pencils- For this instructable I used Faber castell colouring pencils, the colours I use are from the 36 pack but it is up to you what colours you want to use

The colours I used were Dark blue, Dark pink and a Light blue as they contrast together



To start off

  1. Have the piece of paper vertical
  2. Rule a light line through the middle of the piece of paper - Mostly even on both sides
  3. Measure 2cm from each side
  4. From the halfway line mark a dot every 1cm going up the page - I did about 8 dots up and 8 dots down
  5. Repeat parallel like in the picture above

There should be a total of 17 dots on each side


  1. Start in left corner and draw a line from the corner to the dots on the opposite side- shown in picture
  2. Repeat on other side and do it for the bottom two corners

This has completed the first colour.

  1. Start at the second dot and repeat what you did, start from the corner and draw a line to opposite dots
  2. Repeat on other side and do it for the bottom two corners

This has completed the second colour.

  1. Start at the third dot and repeat what you did , start from the corner and draw a line to opposite dots
  2. Repeat on the other side and do it for the bottom two corners as well.

I have only used three colours but you can add more .

Final Product


The picture shows the final product of my instructable.

It might take a little bit to get used to how to do it, it took me couple of try's, so don't worry you will get it.

Thanks and hope you enjoy creating this look.



This is what it looks like when you use more colour and use up all of the dots.

The first picture is spaced out a bit making it seem larger - the dots are 2cm apart

The second picture is like the one I showed you in this instructable I added in more colour.