Get Physical!!!!
I retired at age 65 two years ago. I never thought we would be dealing with anything like Covid-19 this past year. I had been a grocery store cashier for over 34 years. I felt like my job was fairly physical and I was getting good exercise. These days my husband and I are staying at home most of the time and it's hard to get enough physical exercise, especially in the winter. Well, we solved that problem with my watch!
My Watch Gives Me Goals!

My watch shows me how many steps I have walked in my day, how many miles and how many flights of steps I have done. I have 3 rings to close on my watch, a move ring, an exercise ring and a stand ring. Each ring has a goal for me to meet each day.
Select Workout

First I select "Workout" on my watch.
I Can Choose My Stepper

I am happy that I have several pieces of equipment that I can use to exercise. Here is my stepper and I can select it on my watch.
My Exercise Bike

I can select my exercise bike. It gives me a great work out since it works my arms along with my legs.
My Weights

It doesn't have a setting for weights so I use the "Yoga" setting. I have weights that attach to my wrists and ankles. I also have weights I can hold.
Time My Exercise

I set my watch to time me while I do each exercise. My goal is to close all three of my rings on my watch every day. Most days I make it. If I don't make it, I try harder the next day!
I Made My Goal!

Hooray! I closed all 3 of my rings!
A Virtual Pat on the Back!

A little congratulations means a lot and gets me motivated to meet my goals the next day! I do this for me and for my health, and I feel better for it!!