Getting Started With ESP32-C3 XIAO
by Markus Opitz in Circuits > Microcontrollers
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Getting Started With ESP32-C3 XIAO

The ESP32-C3 is the latest development from seeed studio. It is extremely small (2.2x1.8 mm), has WiFi and Bluetooth BLE on board, a connector for an external antenna, 4 analogue and 10 digital pins, as well as connectors for I2C, UART and SPI. The chip has 400 KB SRAM and 4 MB flash.
The ESP32-C3 needs very little energy (~44 μA) in deep sleep and a built-in IC even supports battery charging.
For further product details, please visit the seeed studio website.
Handling it is sometimes a bit tricky, maybe this tutorial will help you.

First Steps: Software Setups

It is required that you have downloaded and installed the Arduino IDE.
- start the Arduino IDE
- got to File > Preferences, and klick at the windows symbol behind "Additional Boards Manager URLs", a window will appear, insert this url there:
- got to Tools > Board > Boards Manager, type "esp32" into the search box, select the latest version of "esp32" and press "install".
Select Board and Port

Select your board:
- go to Tools > Board > ESP32 Arduino and select "XIAO_ESP32C3". (This entry is quite at the end of this long list).
Select your port:
- plugin your ESP32-C3 to a free USB port of your computer
- go to Tools > Port and select the serial port name of your connected ESP32-C3. Usually it is NOT COM1 or COM2, it's a higher number.
Software Tipps

Please use Arduino software developed for ESP32, not for Arduino UNO or ESP8266. This is especially important for some libraries.
(If you want to use Wifi and/or BLE, you have to carefully plug in the antenna first.)
For a start, you can make an LED blink:
- File > Examples > Basics > Blink For this sketch you need an LED and a resistor and you should insert "#define LED_BUILTIN 2" before "void setup();
If you want to use the pins as inputs or outputs, you have to specify the GPIO numbers, not the a(nalog) or d(igital) numbers!

This part can be a bit tricky and frustrating. (Here I spent a lot of time trying things out).
- disconnect the ESP32-C3 from USB
- press the boot button on your ESP32-C3 and hold it.
- plug in the USB
- press the upload button in Arduino IDE
- wait a few seconds
- than release the boot button
- (Sometimes it is also useful to change upload speed from 921600 to 512000 baud.)
- Compared to an Arduino nano, the upload takes quite a long time anyway!
A Curious Detail

I have tried several sketches that use the Serial Monitor. For this you have to specify the Baud rate in the setup, e.g. Serial.begin(115200);
But I didn't find the output in the Serial Monitor window, it ran here under 57600 or 230400 Baud!
I do not know the cause, but this tip will save you a lot of time.
Have fun, feel free to inform me about your successes.