Giant Color Pencils

Here's some giant color pencils I made to display on my girls play house!
I've also made an introduction video so be sure to check it out for all the details and tips for the build!
All the best with your future projects!
Materials needed are:
-Fencing poles or logs.
-Timber putty
-Paper & tape
-Spray paint.
Required tools are:
-A wood lathe is helpful but not necessary.
-Electric plainer and sander
-small trowel to apply putty with
Creating a Point

I'm using some treated pine logs as material for these giant pencils. The first step is to create a tip. A friend of mine has a good sized lathe which I was able to use to create the tips. This is definitely the preferred option but you can also use a saw, plainer and sand paper to create the same.
Creating a Hexagon Shape

The next step is to create the hexagon shape, I used a planer until I had to decide thickness, then I used a sander to smooth off.
Removing the Rough End

Use a saw to cut off the rough end of the pole.
Gap Filler

Use a timber putty to fill in any gaps.
Paper Stencil for the End

I used an A4 piece of paper to wrap around the tip and use a Stanley knife to cut out the right shape to create a stencil before the paint is applied.

First I applied 2 undercoats of white primer, and then 5 different colours to each pencil.
Remove Paper Stencil

And what I think is the most enjoyable part of the project! Once the paint is dry, you can remove the paper stencil 🙂

I've chosen to display my pencils on the children's playhouse, but you can hang them or do wherever you like!
If there's any instructions that aren't quite clear or you want more details feel free to check out the video I made as well!