Giant Hacksaw.

by ÁdámM263 in Craft > Art

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Giant Hacksaw.


Well, just look at it.



You will need:

30mm flat steel about 140 cm of it,

30mm by 35mm 3m long piece of wood,

Some wood screws and some bolt and nuts for securing the blade.


These are some of the tools you can do this project with, but this project was meant to be able to be done with only a angle grinder, saw and a drill:

Angle grinder with cut-off wheel, flap disk and a thick grinding wheel,

Electric drill,
Drill bits for wood and steel,
Slitting saw,
Bow saw,
Bench grinder.



It's easy to scale a saw, the hardest part is the handle because it has lot of angles to change otherwise it might not look natural if you would use the original angels. You may want to power carve the handle, so it looks like it would be comfortable in a giant hand.

Making the Blade.

steel lenght.JPG
cleening the blade.jpg
grinding good.JPG

Cut the steel to around 140cm (approx. 55inch) then grind the teeth into the blade using an angle grinder or if you've got a bench grinder use it to remove most of the metal. After it looks good enough debur both sides and sand the blade on both sides using an angle grinder and a flap disk.

Cutting the Wood.

layout with blade.JPG
cuting wood drawing 01.JPG
cuting wood draving 02.JPG
ruler to rule e'm all.JPG
cuting the angle on the wood.JPG
ting wood finish.JPG

First redo the layout, then draw the angels onto the pieces. At this point you should write letters a, b, c onto the surfaces that meet one another so if you need to put the project away you will know what goes where. Then use a slitting saw or mitre saw if you've got one on hand to ensure that the saw is at ninety degrees to the work. Clamp a ruler with an included square angle to the work as shown in the picture.

Mainframe Assembly.

suport  done.JPG
drilling holes.JPG
driling midle.JPG
mainframe (asambled).jpg

First, since my wood was cut to 60 cm long pieces for transport purposes I needed to make support pieces out of the remaining steel. It was nothing fancy I just cut the remainings in half and centre punched some holes and drilled them out first with a 2mm drill bit then with a 4mm. After that I used a 9,5mm drill for countersinking the screws.

Put the middle pieces next to each other with the matching faces together and mark the holes through from the support onto the wood. After you are done with the marking, drill out the holes and add glue on both sides of the joint, Put the steel back on and add the screws first only do it on one side so its flat on the other for easy clamping. From here on out it's self-explanatory: drill holes into the outside pieces and put the screws in until the end of them are out just enough to leave a mark on the middle piece. If you give it a light blow with a hammer, align the outside piece with the middle piece and do as previously described. Drill holes where the screws left a mark, apply glue to the meeting surfaces and screw them together, do the same with the other side. If you are done with that too, add the steel support to the side previously delayed for clamping purposes.

Making the Handle.

handle atachd.jpg
glue up.JPG
driling midle.JPG
drilling holes.JPG

From the last piece of wood, we will make the handle. First cut an angle onto one side so it is around the same angle as the backside. Cut it down so when the blade is in place it’s just above it. The remaining piece should fit in the gap between the two parts of the handle. If it looks better cut an angle to the side previously square. First attach the two parts shown in the picture and then to the mainframe, the method for attachment is the same as in the previous step.

Sanding Until You Have Gotten Dust Allergy.


Sand a round chamfer on the edge of the wood to give it a better appearance, and it’s also much more comfortable to hold onto, there are no photos of the sanding process because no one wanted to help me take a picture and have potential health deterioration because of dust inhalation.

Getting Ready for the Blade.


First mark the middle of the part which gets the blade, then cut in with a slitting saw until its deeper than the blade by about 0.5-1cm from the outside, then do the same cut just around 4 mm away from the first one then connect the two cuts with a bow saw the piece in between should just fall out.

Installing the Blade.


Fit the blade in the cut-outs and mark a spot where it's optimal to drill a hole through the wood. Remove the blade and drill out the hole with an 8mm wood drill. Place the blade back in and mark where you will need to drill it through with a 8mm metal drill bit. Then move to the drill press and drill the hole where the bit left a mark, do the same on the other side. Mount the blade using nuts and bolts to ensure the heads of the bolts don’t sink into the wood. Put a washer under both sides of the hole.

And Done.


Its time to apply a finish or paint it if that suits you better but I like it just plain.