Giant Lego House

This is a special 3rd project so for this build it’s a big build today
1x 32x32 big plate
8x 4x2 bricks
1x 8x2 brick
3x 1x8 bricks
1x 2x6 brick
13x 2x2 bricks
5x 3x2 bricks
22x 2x1 bricks
6x 1x3 bricks
2x corner brick
5x 1x1 bricks
4x 2x2 flat bricks
4x 1x4 bricks
1x 1x6 brick
1x big door
1x window
8x 4x2 bricks
1x 8x2 brick
3x 1x8 bricks
1x 2x6 brick
13x 2x2 bricks
5x 3x2 bricks
22x 2x1 bricks
6x 1x3 bricks
2x corner brick
5x 1x1 bricks
4x 2x2 flat bricks
4x 1x4 bricks
1x 1x6 brick
1x big door
1x window
Prepare Everything

Here is all the bricks ^^^^^^^^^
Place the Door

Count to the middle of the plate and place the door
Add the Wall

Add Inside Walls

I used flat pieces but you can use anything
Last Step

This is the last step,
Add the window ^^^^^^^
Add the window ^^^^^^^