Giant Popsicle Prop

by JustinFogarty in Craft > Costumes & Cosplay

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Giant Popsicle Prop

Giant Popsicle Prop

Hello Instructables! Long time lurker, first time poster. Let's go!

Cost to make: $40



2x 24",24",1" rigid pink insulation foam board

1x 20",3.5",0.25" wood plank

semigloss latex house paint

1x small tube latex caulk


wood sealer

joint compound or body filler


jigsaw or router sander

hot wire foam cutter

wood clamps

scraper/putty knife

paint roller

chip brush

caulk gun

Cut Popsicle Stick


Cut the board to 20" of length. Round the end using either a router with a flush trim bit and circle template or a jigsaw. I cut corners and used a jigsaw (hah, get it?). Use scrap as a sacrificial holder while making the popsicle. Sand the edges smooth.

(Optional: Woodburning a Design/Text on the Stick)

This is the point where you would woodburn the stick, if you choose to do so. I wish I would have.

Seal Wood


I used Thompson's Clear Water Sealer. You won't have to worry about leaving brushstrokes, so use an old brush or chip brush to apply.

Cut and Shape Foam


Using a hot wire (in a well ventilated area), cut each board in half making 4x 24",12" pieces. On one piece, round 3 corners and carve a bite mark in the fourth. This piece will be used as a template to cut the rest of the pieces flush as you glue them together. Curve out a recess in two foam pieces for the popsicle stick. Glue, clamp, carve, repeat. I used hot glue but it didn't stick well. Try spray adhesive?



As this was a commissioned piece, I was working with a limited budget. Automotive body filler would have been preferred, but pricey. I used drywall joint compound. Round over all the edges with a sander and apply your filler with a putty knife. Sand smooth.



For the first layer pour the paint to achieve a drippy finish, making sure to make a huge mess. For the second layer use a roller because pouring was a bad idea.



Remove your sacrificial popsicle stick and insert the finished stick. Glue in place. Add a healthy glob of caulk to the base of the popsicle stick. Allow to cure, and cover with paint.



Good job. Now go hit your friends with it.