Gill Net

Gill nets are used mainly to catch fish. This is a very affective way of hunting because this can be left in the sea/river/lake for a long time, while you are doing something elsewhere.
The gill net works by catching fish from its gills. As the current sweeps the fish towards the net the fish have no choice but to pass through it and get caught by their gills, as the fish start to try to get out, they only make it worse by getting tangled up in the net.
The size of the gill net is up to you to choose, since different bodies of water require diffrence sized nets. So in this instructable there is shown a small section of netting, but it is the bases for any sized net you wish to make.
The gill net works by catching fish from its gills. As the current sweeps the fish towards the net the fish have no choice but to pass through it and get caught by their gills, as the fish start to try to get out, they only make it worse by getting tangled up in the net.
The size of the gill net is up to you to choose, since different bodies of water require diffrence sized nets. So in this instructable there is shown a small section of netting, but it is the bases for any sized net you wish to make.

There are many options of cord to make a gill net, but the best options are nylon type cords because these work better in water and last longer. Paracord can be used for the whole project as it can be used for the suspension line and the inner cords can be used for the construction of the net.
-Scissors or knife.
To burn off any ends.
There are many options of cord to make a gill net, but the best options are nylon type cords because these work better in water and last longer. Paracord can be used for the whole project as it can be used for the suspension line and the inner cords can be used for the construction of the net.
-Scissors or knife.
To burn off any ends.
How to Start Making the Gill Net.

Attach the suspension line across two different points of your desired length you wish to make your net. Normally between two trees but other things can be used to do this.
To start the actual netting, start by attaching several lines( roughly an inch apart) to the suspension line,by doubling them over, and tying them, using a girth hitch knot.
To start the actual netting, start by attaching several lines( roughly an inch apart) to the suspension line,by doubling them over, and tying them, using a girth hitch knot.
Making the Net

To make the netting first start at one end of the suspension cord, then tie the second and third of the now vertical lines together, using an overhand knot. Then tie the rest of the cord in the same way until you reach the last,which should be left single.
Second Row of the Net

You should now have all the vertical lines tied in pairs, with a single line hanging at each end. To start the second row with the first line, tie it to the second, then the third to the fourth, and so on.
Finishing It Off

Continue tying rows until the net is the desired width, then thread a length of paracord along the bottom, to give the net strength or you can add small lead weights to the bottom end of the net to allow it to sink and keep the net straight. Additionally you can add floaters to the suspension line to further more help it keep straight. Such floaters can be made out of for example cork and small bottles.
To Set It Up
There are many different ways to set up a gill net and where you are going to set it, but the easiest way to do it is to attach it to two points across a body of water such as a river or a section of rocks in the sea.
In the case of the river, the fish will swim along the current and right into the net net. While the one in the sea works by, when the waves flow in and out the current drags the fish into the net.
In the case of the river, the fish will swim along the current and right into the net net. While the one in the sea works by, when the waves flow in and out the current drags the fish into the net.