Glass Acorn Pendant

My favorite materials are wood and glass, so this could be my favorite pendant! :)
Tools and Supplies

- Acorn cupule (cap)
- Glass marble
- Jewelry wire
- Hot glue
- Necklace cord
- Rotary tool
- Drill bits
- Cutting plier
- Round needle nose plier
- Glue gun
- Paper tape
- Clear varnish spray
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Drill the Cupule

Find a drill bit of the same size as the jewelry wire you're gonna use. Drill a hole at the center of the cupule using the rotary tool.
Wire Loop

Cut the jewelry wire with a cutting plier and bend it at one end to stay in the cupule. Bend the other end with a round needle nose plier to form a loop. You can use hot glue to secure the wire in the cupule.
Glass Marble

To glue the marble on the acorn cupule use a glue gun, apply hot glue on the cupule's rim and then push and hold the marble still for a while. Remove any suplus glue that got out of the cupule.
Cupule Varnish

To varnish the acorn cupule you can use a clear varnish spray or resin. I chose to do it with the spray, because it dries faster and I can spray many layers until I reach the desired look. Wrap the marble around with a paper tape and let only the cupule uncovered. Spray it with the varnish and let it dry.
This and Other Versions

Use a necklace cord to wear it and enjoy its beauty!
I made some other versions of it in the past and I want to share them too!
I hope I inspired you to do beatiful things! :D