'Glass' Flowers

This is a simple way to make decorative glass flowers. :)

You'll need, a two liter bottle, preferably colored. a lighter, and scissors.

Cut the top off of the bottle, and save it.

Cut a square out of the bottle. You will need lots of squares.

You can either draw your shape, or just cut it out. A four leaf shape works best.

Set the cut out shape on the lid of the old bottle.

Then take your lighter, and melt the edges of the shape unit it curls up. This goes quite fast.
Center Pieces

I had a ton of these tin beads. But you can use any kind of very small object. Beads or stones work well.

Put in a bit of hot glue, and set in the beads. Many of the flowers middles were hard to reach. so i just shoved glue inside, and scooped up beads into it, then shook out the ones that didn't stay.

You can also cut and melt some leaf shapes.
A Branch

Then you must find a suitable branch, to glue the flowers onto. They are very light so you can choose a thin branch.
Glueing Again

Then carefully glue he flowers and leaves in place. You will want two leaves near the end of the branch to be glued unevenly so that when inside a jar, the branch will be held upright.

Find a suitable jar, and put it in! I got this one at 5Bellow
All Finished

And that is all!